Latest RIA & Web developer content from Developer Fusion 2012-09-24T08:34:23.00Z TWOdW: An "inside" look at Agile DevOps, easier embedded Linux, and more HTML5-based game building 2012-09-24T08:34:23.00Z IBM.COM/DEVELOPERWORKS Scott Laningham takes a quick look at four new content pieces on developerWorks, IBM's premier resource for software developers and other IT professionals James Crowley Using HTML5 History in an ASP.NET MVC Site 2012-09-24T08:24:48.00Z Say that each time the user clicks on a menu item in your application, the entire page is refreshed. Not such a big deal if you have a high speed connection, but, if there is a lot of content on the page, this can be a problem. What we need is the ability to fill in the partial view of data and change around the styles on the page without refreshing the complete page. This is where the HTML5 History API comes in, and that’s what this article based on HTML5 for .NET Developers is all about. Dan Maharry Using JavaScript Unobtrusively 2012-09-24T08:24:48.00Z With a bit of thought and time, the JavaScript defining a page's behavior can be as quiet on a page as its CSS. In this extract from Professional jQuery, Cesar Otero and Rob Larsen demonstrate how. Dan Maharry Jay Schmelzer and Chris Finlan Build HTML 5 Apps with Lightswitch 2012-08-02T04:56:23.00Z Carl and Richard talk to Jay Schmelzer and Chris Finlan about LightSwitch. Jay is one of the leaders of LightSwitch at Microsoft and talks about some of the new features coming in LightSwitch including HTML 5 clients. Chris works for SAP and builds line-of-business applications there, including b. James Crowley Android ListViews with Dynamic Data 2012-07-29T23:59:50.00Z ListViews are a fundamental component in Android UIs and are used extensively. In this article, based on a technique presented in Android UI, the author discusses expanding the ListViews’ functionality so a basic list can be made into a really useful list. Dan Maharry Work-Life Balance with Jason Beaird 2012-07-27T17:22:01.00Z Episode 172 of The SitePoint Podcast is now available! This week Kevin Dees (@kevindees) interviews Mason Stewart (@masondesu) of Zaarly and disusses the likes of SASS Less, jQuery and many other parts of the front end development world. Listen in Your Browser Play this episode directly in your b. James Crowley The HTML5 Drag and Drop API 2012-07-20T07:04:46.00Z In this extract from Professional Javascript for Web Developers, Nicholas Zakas looks at the new Javascript Drag and Drop API in HTML5, its use and current level of browser support Dan Maharry #350 REST API Versioning 2012-05-16T07:51:07.00Z APIs should be consistent, but it is difficult to do this when returning a JSON response along side the HTML interface. Here I show how to add a versioned, RESTful API. The version can be determined from either the URL or HTTP headers. James Crowley An Introduction To WebSockets 2012-05-15T12:49:57.00Z In this article, Shwetank Dixit introduces the WebSockets protocol and API, the problem they are designed to solve, and the first few lines of code to get you started enabling your web applications with this technology Shwetank Dixit #340 DataTables 2012-04-12T04:59:33.00Z DataTables makes it easy to convert a plain HTML table into one with pagination, sorting, and searching - all done with JavaScript and jQuery. Here I show how to set this up and use a Rails application as the data source. James Crowley Working with Mobile Devices in HTML5 and CSS3 2012-04-10T10:10:53.00Z With an ever increasing number of mobile devices demanding we code our websites to look good at any number of resolutions, this extract from Murach's HTML5 and CSS3 present some rules of thumb for developing websites that work nicely with every device Dan Maharry Handling Page Orientation in Windows Phone 7 2012-03-30T17:12:30.00Z Windows Phones, as with other small form factor devices, are able to deal with both landscape and portrait modes. In this article, based on Chapter 10 of Windows Phone 7 in Action the authors explain how a Silverlight page declares its supported orientations. Dan Maharry #334 Compass & CSS Sprites 2012-03-22T07:18:14.00Z Compass improves the Sass experience by providing useful mixins, functions, and more. You will also learn how to make CSS sprites with it in this episode. James Crowley Debugging Javascript with Firebug 2012-03-17T15:05:36.00Z In this extract from the book JavaScript & Query: The Missing Manual, David Sawyer McFarland demonstrates how to use Firebug to identify and fix three types of errors: syntax, runtime and logic. Dan Maharry #322 RABL 2012-02-09T02:24:10.00Z RABL - Ruby API Builder Language - provides a DSL for generating JSON or XML responses in a Ruby application. Learn how to share and configure complex JSON data in this episode. James Crowley The HTML5 History API and ASP.NET MVC 2012-01-27T08:19:18.00Z The HTML 5 History API is one of the newer kids on the HTML 5 block. This article based on chapter 4 of HTML5 for .NET Developers shows you one way of getting history integrated with your .NET server-side web applications. Dan Maharry Making Tables More Accessible With HTML5 2012-01-20T08:36:46.00Z For those who are visually challenged and depend on technology such as screen readers to translate the Web from a visual to an aural experience, tables represent a significant challenge. This extract from HTML5 24 Hour Trainer looks at a number of additional tags and attributes that can make tables and their content more accessible to all. Dan Maharry Search Engine Optimization All-in-One For Dummies 2012-01-14T16:33:16.00Z Ten minibooks cover all you need to know about search engine optimizationSearch engine optimization (SEO) is an essential tool for getting a handle on web site promotional tactics and tools. With this complete reference, you'll explore issues not covered anywhere else, including international SEO, how to optimize servers for SEO, and much more. Ten separate books join forces to provide you with a comprehensive, straightforward guide to the benefits, details, and tricks of SEO. Bruce Clay, Susan Esparza PhoneGap brings full API support to Windows Phone 7 2012-01-06T10:18:05.00Z Build HTML 5 apps and deploy to WP7 as well as Android, iOS and more Chris Alexander .NET Web Developer 2011-12-14T14:24:04.00Z We have several spots open for top notch .NET / C# / MVC developers to join our team as we continue to change the face of online recruiting. The base technology set is Microsoft-centric (.NET / C# / SQL Server / MVC) Chris Piazza