Retrieving Images from a Database

The Rest is a Piece of Cake

The Rest is a Piece of Cake

if ( dr.Read()) //yup we found our image
    Response.ContentType = dr["img_contenttype"].ToString();
    Response.BinaryWrite( (byte[]) dr["img_data"] );

We check to see if any records were returned, by if (dr.Read() ). We tell the browser what content type it will be receiving from dr["img_contenttype"].ToString() and we output the binary image data by performing a Response.BinaryWrite, and casting our binary data to a byte array: Response.BinaryWrite( (byte[]) dr["img_data"] );.

Lets Test

So how do we link to our new image source. We put the path of our .aspx page as the "src" attribute of the image. Here is a sample html file that demonstrates this.

<head><title>View Image from the database</title></head>
<body bgcolor=#FFFFFF>
  Here is the image, viewed from a database:<br />
  <img src="viewimage.aspx?img=1" border=1>


Retrieving binary data out of a database isn't really that difficult. We connect to our database, retrieve the content-type, and output the binary data using Response.BinaryWrite().

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